Saturday random water links


1. One for your calendar: webinar from the Australian BOM

After recent rains, join us to understand more about the water situation in the Murray Darling Basin. Water experts will review the connectivity between storage levels, streamflow, groundwater and soil moisture. They will also demonstrate Bureau tools customers can use to understand conditions.

2. Global Water Resources Earnings Call

Considering the COVID-19 pandemic we are currently navigating, it is appropriate to start here once again. In short, as an essential utility whose services are vital during a health pandemic, our company moved quickly and early to implement all national, local and industry-specific guidance to maximize social distancing and other measures to protect the health and safety of our employees and customers and safeguard our operations. These proactive measures have gone well, and we have not incurred any significant disruptions in the first-quarter resulting from the pandemic, either operationally or financially. However, at this point, we cannot predict the impact it could have on our operations and financial results going forward.

Interesting perspectives from a publically traded water resources management company operating out of Phoenix AZ.